Bluetooth Lite Aligner Re-Launched

Bluetooth Lite Aligner Re-Launched


A brand-new version of the ever-popular Absolute Alignment Bluetooth Lite Wheel Aligner is set to take workshops by storm. The compact aligner will be particularly popular with small tyre dealers looking for a quick profit boost - “doing the tracking” is fast and efficient and a quick sell to savvy drivers. 

Whether it be making use of an unused MOT bay or an empty short scissor lift, this aligner is quickly ready for work and hits the ground running. Featuring ultra-fast fit wheel clamps with the measuring heads permanently attached, setting up the Bluetooth Lite ready for taking readings is simple. Up to 8 hours of use between charges means a working day is unlikely to bring nasty surprises at the last minute.  

In use, Bluetooth communication between the measuring heads and the main unit will delight the Health & Safety Officer with no trailing wires across the workshop. The technician carrying out the alignment has ultimate flexibility, as all readings are displayed on an Android tablet which can be taken to each wheel in turn without needing direct sight to the base.  

Absolute Alignment’s attention to detail extends beyond the working day. The heads stow securely away on the smart base unit with neat charging wires, and the whole self-contained aligner takes up very little space thanks to the reduced footprint. The Bluetooth Lite works on a range of lifts, and so workshops need no special arrangements or major redesigns and can be making profits from Day 1.       

Absolute Alignment is on hand all the way through the process. Full on-site training is given by factory-trained engineers, and the aligner has an internet-enabled diagnostic programme linked to the company's Technical Team. Six monthly calibrations are recommended. 

The Bluetooth Lite is now on sale with full details published here. 

Miss Alignment
June 2022

© 2025 Absolute Alignment is a limited liability company registered in England & Wales. Company Number 07343140
Unit 3 Beechnut Industrial Estate
Beechnut Road
GU12 4JA

t: 01252 549340