Wowing the crowds at Autosport International

Wowing the crowds at Autosport International

Day Two of Autosport International Show and as expected it’s our Motorsport Package that’s been creating the interest.

Featuring a Bluetooth Pro wheel aligner uniquely paired with corner weight scales, the Motorsport Package is the answer to so many problems. With capacity to store over 20,000 set ups the package has the ability to recall the perfect alignment for every car under every track and weather condition you are likely to encounter.

If you’re a race team looking for a competitive edge, take a look at how you can optimise set up both in the workshop and at the track. Full details here.

Absolute Alignment is Britain’s wheel alignment equipment specialist, supplying quality wheel aligners to the trade. Wheel alignment is a growing market and we help workshops of all sizes to profit from it. For more information about the need for wheel alignment services see our consumer site at

© 2025 Absolute Alignment is a limited liability company registered in England & Wales. Company Number 07343140
Unit 3 Beechnut Industrial Estate
Beechnut Road
GU12 4JA

t: 01252 549340