Training & Best Practice FAQs

At Absolute Alignment we have a lot of knowledge about wheel alignment procedures. If you have any urgent questions about how to use our equipment, check out here and see if we can answer your questions.

2-POST LIFTS AND WHEEL ALIGNMENT - no need for a traditional "alignment bay" to profit from wheel alignment

WHEEL ALIGNMENT & ADAS - how to incorporate Advanced Driver Assistance Systems into your profit centre

LOW SPOILER PROGRAM - aligning lowered and performance cars


QUICK CHECK - adding value to a standard vehicle service

INTEGRATING ADAS - making your Absolute Alignment machinery work iwth popular ADAS calibration equipment

© 2025 Absolute Alignment is a limited liability company registered in England & Wales. Company Number 07343140
Unit 3 Beechnut Industrial Estate
Beechnut Road
GU12 4JA

t: 01252 549340